Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Blog Post #4: Scene Assignment

Scene Assignment

Scene Assignment Script

Logline: A mentally unstable man fantasizes about violence towards society, which he believes is corrupted and dying.

Gift of the story: Society can have an affect on anyone, and the most normal looking people can be the most violent.

For my scene I have decided to adapt the mirror scene from Taxi Driver (1976). I plan to have the scene giving a blueish tint to it to show the coldness of the atmosphere of the scene. I also want to give a darker shade to the shadows, showing the darkness surrounding the area. I want to set the scene in a cold and unsettling mood in an attempt to reflect the main characters feeling toward society. The camera movements, I feel will be mostly static shots and some pans of the area and of the character, but I intend to include both wide-shots, medium shots, close ups, and extreme close ups. I may add a dolly-in movement towards the main character, looking in the mirror, to add some emotion to what the character is feeling and thinking. The style will be "auteur" with a crime/physiological feeling.