Sunday, February 15, 2015

Black Warrior Film Festival

Last Friday, I attended the opening event for Black Warrior Film Festival. At the Tuscaloosa Dinah Washington Cultural Arts Center film director Ya'Ke Smith presented many of his films, some he had never even shown before. These films included Katrina's Son, dawn., and Father. His films gave me a huge dose of reality, a reality that I've only heard about, but never seen before. They are very well made, but uncomfortable films, but I think they're suppose to be, because he is trying to show to the world the reality of people who live like this, people we don't hear or talk about. I commend his stance to show these types of films and not diluting his message like Hollywood would have done, which he stated during his Q&A. He also stated that for every filmmaker they must have a part of themselves in there films, else they're film has no purpose, and I wholeheartedly agree with this. If you don't care about the film you're making, it most likely will feel hollow. I try to incorporate bits and parts of myself or my life into every film idea I create, similar to Ya'Ke, though my experiences differ greatly from his. 

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