Sunday, May 3, 2015

Final Blog Post - Class Reflection

Before I took TCF 312 my skills with film were very amateur. I knew only the basics of filmmaking and had not had any much experience with creating narrative films. I had trouble knowing crew positions and jobs, types of cameras and their settings, and even certain aspects of filmmaking, such as camera movement. TCF 312 cleared most of that up and even provided me with more information than before. 
Within the last five months I’ve learned a lot more about film than  had known before. With the team exercises and final projects I learned just how much team work, communication and cooperation play a role in just setting up one shot. If someone is not doing their job, it could ruin everyone else’s. With the in-class labs and hands on, I learned a lot more about different cameras and equipment. Before, I had only used a JVC camera on a tripod. Now, I’ve learn about the EX-3, F3, DSLR, Go Pros and others, as well as new equipment such as PVC pipes to use a tracks, a dolly, the fig rig, LED lights, black wrap, and just gaining more experience with lighting. I also learned of how much time it takes to set up for just one shot with an entire crew of people. It really gave me a new perspective on filmmaking and all of the tremendous work that goes into it. It really is something you have to love and dedicate yourself to.
I also learned a great deal about cinematography. Along with directing, cinematography is another aspect of film that I was interested in, but didn’t know much about. I knew they handled the camera, but this class taught me a great deal more. It taught me that they essentially control everyone on set and run it as well. They say how the lighting should be, or how the camera will move and what the scene will look like. They have a huge responsibility and this profession isn’t for the faint of heart.

From this class I have learned that cinematography is something that I am much more interested in now as a career, having learned more about it, however, directing is still my main interest. For my films I really get a set image in my mind that I follow and rarely change and I want to create that, bring it to life, and I feel that directing is a way to show my vision, rather than my interpretation of someone else’s. It is something that have dreamed about doing for a long time, but never thought possible. TCF 312 showed me how intimidating and stressful it can be, but I saw the pay off as being worth it. This class instilled my dream of creating film, and I am glad it did.

Blog Post #7 - Sizzle Reel and Artist Statement

As an artist, I feel that I am still in the process of discovering myself. Ever since I young and wanted to be involved with film I wanted to make films that I would watch. Now I want to make films that, not only will entertain me, but many others as well. The main point to to create something others will enjoy. Putting a message into my work is something I aways start with; what am I trying to say? Most of the time I find a subject I want to explore, whether it’s political, religious, or historical. But the main reason I want to make films is to tell stories, because stories live on. They have existed for thousands of years, having been told by nearly everyone who has lived. I choose film because it is visual, and I’m a very visual person. I love to show and explore new worlds, time periods, and bring the stories to life for an audience. 
What most inspires me to create is history and time. I’ve always been fascinated by time and its connections to the present and event how it affects the future. I want to tell people about the past and show them a possible future. Show them a different time and in essence, a different world than the one they know. There are hundreds, maybe even thousands of untold stories throughout history that people should know about. People know plenty about the present, I’d like to show them something else.
Throughout time, man has left his mark on the world through creation, and that’s one thing I want to do. I want to create not only for the present, but for future generations to see. Creation is immensely important for man. Without it, the world would become stagnant. Fortunately, people create every day, whether it’s technologically or artistically. Some creations are remembered, some not, but the fact that they create is enough. I want to contribute to that. I want to create and add inspiration to whomever views my films. Whether my art will be remembered, I do not know, but how I try I am still discovering for myself.